Manage orders in bulk
Users can fulfill the orders in bulk with just a click of a button.
To fulfill orders in bulk, select the orders you want to process in the "New Orders" tab and click "Confirm." This will move all selected orders to the "Confirmed" tab.
Assign in bulk
You can perform the following actions in bulk if they are not pre-filled (Learn how to set default warehouses, shippers, weight, and dimensions here):
Bulk Actions:
Select orders>Bulk Actions
- Assign shipper
- Assign package dimensions
- Assign pick-up address
- Assign Weight
Generate shipping labels in bulk
Once all these bulk actions are completed you can go ahead and generate shipping labels in bulk:
Select Orders>Bulk Actions>Generate Shipping Labels
Generate invoices in bulk
To generate invoices in bulk:
Select Orders>Bulk Actions>Generate Invoices
Cancel shipping labels and invoices in bulk
To cancel shipping labels and invoices in bulk:
Select Orders>Bulk Actions>Cancel Shipping labels/Invoices
Send emails in bulk
1. Email orders to vendors
Vendors will receive order details in their email inboxes.
Select Order>Bulk Actions> Email orders to vendors
2. Email invoices to customers
Customers will receive their invoices in their email inboxes.
Select orders>Bulk Actions> Email invoice to customer
Check for Errors:
- Product Tax Mapping: Needed for generating invoices with taxes.
- Customer Address: Ensure correct addresses per carrier requirements.
- Product Dimensions and Weight, Selected Carrier: Required for shipping labels.
- Warehouse: Required for shipping labels.
- Ship to address: Required for shipping labels.
- API Error: Error specific to carriers/shipping partners.
Note: Shipturtle will prevent creating incorrect invoices or shipping labels if details are missing.