Fulfill Orders with Physical Product
Process orders with physical products.
Fulfilling orders with physical products involves shipping. To process these orders, users need to assign a warehouse, specify the weight, and designate a shipper (these details will be pre-filled if defaults are set). This can be done directly from the orders page, followed by generating shipping labels and sending invoices with just a button.
1. New orders:
Upon receiving an order in the "New Orders" tab, merchants/vendors have the option to confirm, hold, or cancel it. They can also generate shipping labels, and invoices, and send emails within this tab.
2. Confirmed:
In the "Confirmed" tab, users can view the orders to be processed and fulfill them. They can also generate shipping labels, and invoices, and send emails within this tab.
Refer to: Generate Shipping Labels.
3. Ready to ship:
In the "Ready to Ship" tab, users can create a manifest for the orders and move them to "In Transit".
4. Pick up:
Download manifests created for all orders, with each manifest corresponding to a unique combination of Shipper X Pick-up address. Users can schedule or cancel pickups for each manifest individually.
Refer to: Schedule pickup/ Manage manifests.
5. In Transit:
Here, users can monitor the order's progress through various stages, including "Awaiting Pickup," "In Transit," "Out for Delivery," and more.
6. Exception:
All orders that were undelivered due to the following reasons will land here:
- The shipper was not able to deliver the order.
- The customer refused to accept the order.
Refer to: Manage Exception.
7. Delivered / Returned:
"Delivered" or "Returned" are the logical endpoints for a shipper's journey. ShipTurtle's automated tracking system, compatible with multiple shippers, simplifies this process. Upon delivery completion, users gain access to a range of analytics for reconciling freight expenses, payment receipts, and shipping Turnaround Time (TAT).
8. RTO:
All the return-to-origin orders can be viewed here
Refer to: Manage order returns for physical products.
9. Held:
Access all the held orders in the "Held" tab, here you can either fulfill the order or move it to the New Order tab.
10. Cancelled:
Access all canceled orders in the "Cancelled" tab. Cancelling the order here will not cancel the order on Shopify.