Article | 6 min read

Laravel Shopify App Development: Build And Host on Cloudways

Shopify Multiivendor
Team Shipturtle
Manav Gupta
February 12, 2024
Last Updated
October 3, 2024


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How to Integrate Laravel Shopify App on Cloudways

The combination of Laravel with Shopify stores makes for incredible Shopify apps.

In simple terms, after you install any Shopify app, any interaction with a store's information is done through the Shopify Store API and shown as Scopes.

Shopify apps are used to add additional features for controlling and managing a Shopify store. Laravel simplifies the process of developing Shopify applications by providing a user-friendly coding framework for common tasks.

Furthermore, you can elevate your Laravel projects with Cloudways SSD-powered hosting!

Let's learn how you can integrate your Shopify App with Laravel on Cloudways.

What is a Shopify App?

With Shopify, the vendor can create and personalize their online stores and sell in various locations, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, online marketplaces, stores, and temporary shops.

Laravel Shopify also helps to handle and keep track of the items in stock, the products available for sale, the payments from customers, and the shipment of orders.

Consider Shopify as a platform that is stored and accessed through the internet. It means you can use it on any compatible device. The Shopify team will update the software and servers for you. With this, you can work and handle your business from any place as long as you have internet access.

In simple words, you can use the API to access and make changes to any feature in the admin panel.

Why Build Using Laravel Shopify?

There are several reasons why you might choose to build a Shopify app using Laravel:

  • Seamless Integration: Laravel and Shopify APIs are well-aligned, making integration smooth and efficient.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Shopify offers a decent balance of user-friendliness and profound customization choices. Laravel's capabilities allow you to create custom features and functionalities beyond what Shopify offers out of the box.
  • Security & Scalability: Regardless of whether you’re a small-scale, first-time vendor, or a prepared e-commerce magnate with thousands of items, Shopify lets you rapidly and effectively construct a versatile online store without requiring code or web design. Further, Laravel promotes secure coding practices and offers built-in tools for scaling your app as your store grows.
  • Flexibility: Shopify works by binding all of your commerce into a single central command center. In case you’re a Shopify merchant with both a web and physical presence, your stock and stock get synced, so you’ll manage your store(s) from one account on any gadget. You can leverage Laravel's modularity to build apps that cater to specific needs and integrate with other services seamlessly.

Shopify is an “all-in-one” hosted platform.

It means you don’t have to go somewhere else to buy web hosting or introduce a third-party program.

Instead, the idea is that Shopify gives everything you would need to run and work your online store right from the get-go. Furthermore, with Laravel Shopify, you can extend the Shopify app capabilities to suit your business needs.

Shopify apps are an extra feature for managing and controlling Shopify stores. With the help of GraphQL and Shopify API, you’ll be able to make applications like Oberlo to discover items to offer.

How Does Shopify Integrate with Laravel?

For this integration process, we will use the Shopify Laravel package. (Package Link)

It is going to save us hours and hours of development.

This package is under development and actively bringing updates, but currently, it is working perfectly with any Laravel web application. It will handle our coding hassles, billing, and Shopify authentication alongside accessing API using graphical or any other services.

I. Sign Up for a Cloudways account

II. Choose a Server

III. Get the Shopify Laravel API Key and Scope Key.

Shopify apps are used to add additional features for controlling and managing a Shopify store. Laravel simplifies the process of developing Shopify applications by providing a user-friendly coding framework for common tasks.

I. Sign Up for a Cloudways account

First, sign in to your Cloudways account. If you don't have one, sign up now for free.

Shopify partner

After creating an app on your Shopify Partner Dashboard, the next thing you need to do is set up the structure of Laravel. To do that, you need to create a new Laravel project using the Cloudways platform.

Why Integrate Laravel Shopify App on Cloudways?

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that simplifies the process of deploying and managing applications on various cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and DigitalOcean.

They offer pre-configured servers, automatic updates, and a user-friendly interface for developers and agencies.

Integrating Laravel Shopify on Cloudways offers a combination of powerful development tools, simplified management, and secure hosting, allowing you to focus on building and scaling your innovative Shopify app.

II. Choose a Server

Select your server and Laravel application. Select Based on the traffic and location of your website, choose the appropriate PHP server size, and opt for a server location.

After completing all these steps, you can finally navigate to the application tab and select the PHP stack application.

Using the master credentials available on the Server Management page, access the server through FileZilla to use the files to a web server.

Head to Root Folder (Public_html) of your Laravel Application, where you will access and update multiple files.

filezilla ftp

III. Get the Shopify Laravel API Key and Scope Key.

After creating the App, Scroll to API Keys to view your API key and API secret key.

api keys

Once done, you will now be able to access the config file in config/shopify-app.php.

You will have to fill in the app_name, api_key, api_secret, and api_scopes to produce a working app. Items like webhooks and scripttags are totally optional depending on your app requirements. As well, anything to do with charging is also discretionary and is disabled by default.

We recommend you use an env file for the configuration.

So,  add this API Key and API Secret key at the end of .ENV File.

1. SHOPIFY_API_KEY=6e8a2bcdb6e43d8a29c4d6dd60fc8713

2. SHOPIFY_API_SECRET=********************************************

Now, update API Scopes, It can also be stored in the .ENV File.

API Scopes is the access request you will ask for the store while installing your app. For example, when someone installs your application from the store, what data do you want to access? The user will then be asked for that data.

Authenticated access is intended for interacting with a store on behalf of the merchant to perform actions such as creating products and managing discount codes.

The full list is available here:

Update the following scopes in the Shopify .config file.

  1. /*
  2. Shopify API Scopes | This option is for the scopes your application needs in the API.
  3. */
  4. 'api_scopes' => env('SHOPIFY_API_SCOPES', 'read_products,write_products,read_themes,write_themes,read_orders,read_customers'),

Now, navigate to the .env file and use your database details, which you can retrieve from Application Management & Access Details.

And update these details in the .ENV file.

  1. DB_CONNECTION=mysql
  2. DB_HOST=
  3. DB_PORT=3306
  4. DB_DATABASE=ybgwyumndh
  5. DB_USERNAME=ybgwyumndh

This package anticipates the existence of a route named home. By default, the package has characterized this route to show a welcome page. To enable it, you may need to open routes/web.php and comment out the default Laravel route.

Alternatively, to create your own route, edit routes/web.php and alter the default route to utilize the verify.shopify middleware with the home named, for example

  1. Route::get('/', function () {
  2. return view('welcome');
  3. })->middleware(['verify.shopify'])->name('home');

Now, alter resources/views/welcome.blade.php to expand this packages’ format for Shopify AppBridge capacities, example:

  1. @extends('shopify-app::layouts.default')
  2. @section('content')
  3. <!-- You are: (shop domain name) -->
  4. You are: {{ $shopDomain ?? Auth::user()->name }}
  5. @endsection @section('scripts') @parent <script>
  6. actions.TitleBar.create(app, { title: 'Welcome' });
  7. </script> @endsection

You may need to alter your Laravel user model. Regularly found in app/User.php or app/Models/User.php.

Open the file, and add after the namespace:

  1. use Osiset\ShopifyApp\Contracts\ShopModel as IShopModel;
  2. use Osiset\ShopifyApp\Traits\ShopModel;

Next step, you have to migrate your data using this command:

  1. php artisan vendor:publish --tag=shopify-migrations

This will publish the migrations to your app’s migration folder. When you’re done, run php artisan migrate to complete the changes you’ve made.


Now, You can access the webpage by clicking on the APPLICATION URL.

shopify app

And here it is, you may now be redirected to the Shopify app created with Laravel.

shopify laravel app


Laravel Shopify isn’t just a chunk of software or a solitary product—it’s an all-in-one commerce platform. More than that, it’s a rich ecosystem that creates esteem for commerce owners by bringing together designers, trade specialists, and customers with the shared interest of making commerce way better for everybody.

Get advanced shipping, configurable vendor management, payment features, and more. Install Shipturtle today from the Shopify App Store and enjoy a free trial to experience its benefits firsthand.

Want to learn more about how Shipturtle can benefit your business? Book a personalized demo with our sales team.

Experience the power of Shipturtle for free. Start your trial today and discover how it can transform your Shopify multivendor store!

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Team Shipturtle

Articles from Team Shipturtle include contributions across departments - Tech, Marketing, Sales, Finance, HR - to share varied viewpoints and present a holistic picture.